
100% cotton

These pillowcases are 100% cotton to be crisp, ironable and static-free. On the front, our artwork is professionally-printed on cotton “ultra poplin” and the back is soft cotton flannel in a complimentary solid color. The inside seams are “zig-zagged” along the edges for washing durability, and the opening flap is a top-stitched french-seam

All of the in-stock cases here are ready-to-ship, featuring artwork from all three of us! We do all the sewing personally, with our artwork printed professionally on the fabric in North Carolina.

body-pillow size

These cases fit a body-pillow standard size of 20″ x 52″ and open at the bottom.

smaller sizes

These cases are made to fit smaller-sized pillows and open on the side. “Travel” size fits pillows 15” x 21”, “Standard” size fits pillows 20″ x 27″ and “King” size fits pillows 20″ x 34″ – each available as appropriate for the artwork.